the antifragile booking button

to boost hotel direct sales up to 70%

Inspired by Taleb.
More Sales Power with Two Booking Buttons

While the traditional BOOK button ensures a seamless experience for visitors of your hotel / property website who have already made up their minds (10-30%), ANTI-BOOK caters to the increasing number of travelers who visit your hotel website, check rates, and are at risk of slipping away due to uncertainty, volatility, and stressors they face in the post-2020 world (70-90%).

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The traditional BOOK button is fragile, doesn't like uncertainty. When visitors of your hotel website check rates but face uncertainty, volatility, stressors, and noise, among other factors, the fragile booking button is incapable of capitalizing on them. A dull look is all it can offer them, before they slip away.
Moreover, it provides no information about how much, when, or why old/new clients are lost. Being incapable to learn from fails, no improvements to expect over time.


The traditional booking button is robust when gains from website visitors who are 100% sure they want to stay at your hotel and are willing to pay any rate for it. No uncertainty, volatility, and stressors hit the BOOK button. Thus, it functions well in securing bookings from customers who have already made up their minds.


The antifragile booking button thrives from website visitors who are in a searching mood, or facing uncertainty, volatility, stressors, and other factors. It takes advantage of these situations to conduct pleasant and unlimited parallel negotiations, unlocking sale options. And, it learns from fails to improve over time. Additionally, it caters to old clients and new clients alike, treating them with personalized care as if they were acquaintances.

* Graphics inspired by Tatiana Barletta.

What is it?

With its intriguing name, the antifragile booking button introduces a new and exclusive booking experience on hotels' and properties' websites, catering to the increasing number of post-2020 travelers who face uncertainty, volatility, and stressors (70-90%). It can also be successfully used to pamper existing customers by reinforcing the value of direct booking and treating them as valued acquaintances with tailor-made buying options. Or, simply, get post-2020 travelers' insights.

As a collateral effect, some hotels may find ANTI-BOOK the big OTA Parity Rate killer.

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ANTI-BOOK is a button-faced robot that multiplies itself into 10 or 100000 robots. It is on a non-stop mission to decode each client's behavior and to conduct unlimited parallel Manual, Automated and AI-driven negotiations that unlock sale options for you and offer tailor-made buying options for clients. It learns from setbacks (Who's lost? Why? When? How much?), so it's capable of improving over time.

Yet, you'll need only 10 minutes to learn how it works. It's similar to setting up a promotion in a traditional hotel booking engine.

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With ANTI-BOOK button on your website, your hotel signals its unwavering dedication to a guest-centric booking experience, prioritizing travelers' needs and preferences above all else. This innovative approach sets your hotel apart, differentiating it from competitors and online travel agencies in today's ever-evolving travel landscape.

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ANTI-BOOK negotiates for you
when BOOK button fails

Placed on the hotel website, the antifragile booking button taps into the uncertainty, volatility, and stressors that 70-90% of travelers experience in the post-2020 world. Through Manual, Automated, and AI-driven negotiations, it decodes client behavior, unlocking sale options for you and offer tailor-made buying options for clients.

Name your goal by creating IF-THEN based rules, and let the ANTI-BOOK robot works for it. Or, work together to:

  • Provide new selling / buying experience.
  • Customize each sale, based on user's profile.
  • Sell more.
  • Sell dynamically.
  • Sell earlier and non-refundable.
  • Sell low seasons.
  • Pick the best sale options.
  • Secure more payment in advance.
  • Scan the demand 24/7.
  • Extract individual insights.
  • Learn from failures (whois lost, when, why).
  • Provide private rates.
  • Provide opaque or even 100% untraceable rates.
  • Scale up your direct sale.
  • Help employees to gain online recognition and tips.
  • Unblock sale options from the clients social networks.
  • Persuade for upsell/cross-sell.
  • Kill OTA Parity Rate.
  • Differentiate your hotel by selling antifragile-bookings, or anti-bookingsTM on short (embed possible gains for travelers, e.g. when unexpected events strike), instead of fragile bookings (hide risks, and mandatory loses when unexpected events strike).

  • The ANTI-BOOK button is probably the best thing to happen for hoteliers since the 2020 events.

First of all, negotiation is not equal to bid - which is almost an insult for an hard working hotelier, in our vision.

Secondly, negotiation doesn't mean that you are obligated to sell - you may use it only to scan the demand; or to check how much money pass through in front of your BOOK button eyes, money that is eventually simply lost in favour of others; or to understand trends on your hotel website, or to aquire clients data etc. Let's note that if you're choosing the Antifragile Account [Pricing], you may benefits from all of these features completely free, even if you do not commit to any sale.

Thirdly, negotiation is not a process where your primary action is to lower your rates. For example, you may negotiate:

  • to get more money in advance,
  • to lower/eliminate Free-Cancellation policy taking at least some payment in advance if the obtained pre-sale insights told that you can get,
  • to ensure that you're not loosing an old customer,
  • to optimize Occupancy Rate,
  • to sell off peaks to low budget travelers,
  • to pamper your new / old client with some attention / free extras,
  • to persuade buyer for cross sale / up-sale,
  • to ensure that your marketing spend is not wasted attracting wrong profiles,
  • or to backup the hotel direct sales when you have not enough sales employees or not the right ones.

On the other hand, negotiation is a process of discovery of each other, in many parts of the world being a complex cultural ritual where each side faces the other side's uncertainties, volatilities, stressors... both sides working out to align their needs.

That's why, our negotiation framework includes multiple parameters to help you / your robot to prepare before start to negotiate:
  • Scan the demand 24/7
  • See clients your BOOK button can't
  • Extract pre-sale insights your BOOK button can't
  • Process client historical data

  • The ANTI-BOOK button is also a discrete and non-invasive tool to address clients post-2020 needs and fears - which we think is necessary more then ever in this new world full of uncertainty, volatility, stressors to which all of us are exposed.

    Ultimately, it's thrue: negotiation is not for every hotelier... but for the ones which have skin in the game.

ANTI-BOOK negotiates for clients when BOOK button sleeps

Post-2020 travelers are more risk-averse than ever, with uncertainty, volatility, and stressors hindering direct hotel sales. However, you can overcome this obstacle by offering clients the ability to resell, exchange, or donate unwanted anti-bookings. By renting the ANTI-BOOK button from your website and/or (direct hotel sales extension), you not only generate a new revenue stream but also unlock previously untapped sale options, gaining advantages to thrive in the post-2020 world.

  • Protect your closed sales when uncertainty strikes, providing recycling instead of refunding.
  • Gain new revenue channels [commission from recyclers].
  • Target an untouched niche of independent resellers, that can buy earlier to sell later for a profit.
  • Lower / eliminate your refund hassle.
  • Lower / eliminate allotment release back hassle when you allow the touroperator partners to recycle.
  • Lift the brake from your direct sales: lower the clients risk aversion of loosing money from early bookings, non-refundable payments in advance and so on.
  • Buy back rooms, if you need so.
  • Gain free traffic / marketing from recyclers.
  • Gain buzz marketing when you're sold out.
  • Build customer loyalty by offering a convenient and hassle-free way to resell or exchange anti-bookings.
  • Enhance your brand reputation: by offering a responsible and sustainable solution to the problem of cancellations, you can improve your hotel's image and attract guests who prioritize value financial responsibility and are reluctant to waste their hard-earned money on non-refundable bookings.
  • Gain insights into customer behavior and preferences or private social networks through the recycling process.
  • Reach new markets and customer segments by tapping into the global network of
  • Become invisible to anybody: sell and resell 100% untraceable, if you need to protect your sales from unfriendly eyes such as big OTAs or direct competitors.

Starting Small
If a full-scale implementation of a visionary antifragile booking system seems daunting, you can begin by allowing your clients or resellers to engage with the recyclable options provided by your direct sales extension, This allows a gradual introduction to our innovative approach.

The Core of Anti-Booking®
Our technology, anti-booking®, is inherently designed for flexibility, offering transactions that are not only negotiable but also recyclable. If you're hesitant about enabling this feature, it may mean that our technology isn't the right fit for you at this moment.

Why Travelers Prefer Anti-Bookings®
Travelers are increasingly drawn to anti-bookings® due to their recyclable nature. This functionality assures them that their funds are secure and won’t go to waste, even if unforeseen circumstances lead to trip cancellations.

Your Decision, Your Future
The choice is yours. Experiment with our Antifragile Account to discover how anti-booking® can benefit your business — at no risk. Alternatively, you may choose to observe for now. Either way, the innovative potential of anti-booking® is ready for you to explore.

* work in progress.


How To Start ?

You'll need only 10 minutes to learn how it works. It's similar to setting up a promotion in a traditional hotel booking engine. Sure, you can keep your BOOK button or we'll provide one for free for seamless integration. To sync with any PMS and Channel Manager, check  FAQ .


Create an account


Add the button to website


Setup & Start

Let's get in touch

Gabriel Turicianu | Founder of ANTI-BOOKING

If you're a hotelier that has skin in the game,
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   70-90% of your hotel/property website visitors who check the rates page (thereby signaling that destination is ok and your hotel/property is a viable option), simply vanish due to uncertainty, volatility, and the stressors they face in the post-2020 world. But these are sale options that your fragile BOOK button cannot unlock and optimize, resulting in daily revenue loss in favor of your competitors and Online Travel Agencies (OTA).

Your fragile BOOK button learns nothing from failures (Why? When? Who's lost? How much has been lost?). So, no improvements over time.

A boring and depersonalized buying experience is offered to both new and old clients, and a dull unengaging selling experience is provided to your hotel sales employees as well. These completes the picture of the traditional BOOK button's anachronism in the post-2020 world, a travel landscape full of uncertainty, volatility, stressors, noise etc.

Incapable of protecting your pricing strategy, your fragile BOOK button
exposes you to the big OTA's Parity Rate and other harmful policies/boosters, as well as to competitors. Loses again. Does OTA compete against you, by spying your rates through your fragile BOOK button [provided by Booking Engines and Channel Managers vendors]? Read more.

In the post-2020 world, your traditional BOOK button acts more as a brake on your hotel's direct sales, by trying to sell fragile bookings—transactions that break when uncertainty strikes (e.g., in trip cancellations), bringing losses for both clients and you as well. More here.

The traditional BOOK button is nothing more than a dump secretary or a cashier on your hotel website. A blank stare is all it can offer. It may still work well with 10-30% of clients who have already made up their minds about your hotel, but it loses the increasing number of travelers facing uncertainty in the post-2020 world (70-90%).

Imagine if even 3% are recovered!

Have Question ? Get in touch !

ANTI-BOOK is probabily the best thing happened to hoteliers after 2020.